Our Family Reunion Hotel will be the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel on Canal Street
Below is information about the Hotel, Reunion Rates, and Booking info:
Last day to book room : June 17, 2025
Room Rates:
Traditional Double - $204.00 per night
Traditional King - $179.00 per night
Club King Suite - $244.00 per night
Club Double Suite - $269.00 per night
**Room rate is subject to applicable state and local taxes (currently 14.45% plus and additional $3.00 per room per night occupancy tax) As well as a New Orleans & Company Tourism Support Assessment of 1.75%of each room rate, per room per night.
Overnight Parking
Valet Parking - $52 + tax per car
Self Parking - $42.00 + tax per car
Oversize Vehicles - $62.00 + tax per year
Please check your Email for the family newsletter for booking information (Check your Junk/SPAM folder if you don't see it in your inbox.)
If you have any questions, please feel free to Email us at watsonreunion@gmail.com